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Chicken & Waffles - Quick-Easy-Tasty

Keep it in your freezer as a back up meal... always good to have on hand - quick, fast and everyone loves.


  • 1 package waffles
  • 1 package chicken
  • butter
  • maple syrup
  • caramel
  • whip cream
  • sprinkles


  • waffles - half toast all the waffles and set aside (just get them started so it takes less time later)
  • melt the butter - add caramel - add maple syrup - warm it up and set aside
  • oven - put on broil and line a pan with tinfoil
  • chicken - microwave the chicken according to the packaging (just a little less)
  • oven - when the chicken is done in the microwave -
    place on the tinfoil lined pan - CRISP THE CHICKEN
    watch them so they do not burn - flip once
  • waffles - finish toasting them
  • maple syrup - heat it up just little more to get it warm
  • plate it all - ENJOY